Today was moving day. Well, to be honest, the last month was moving day, little by little moving our worldly possessions into our new place. A few totes after work each day, bookcases strapped to the top of cars, but today all the "big stuff" came over, and the beginning of winding down the old place.
I had vowed not to participate in any economic downturn, recession or whate

We were the fortunate recipients of a situation with friends who's house would not sell at a reasonable price, even though they had committed to relocating. We are leasing their house, stewarding much of their possessions while things settle down three quarters across the country.
For Rachel and me, it is a big move. For ten years I had been in a duplex/condo which had been near perfect for a single guy. Enter my lovely wife and now at three cats, we were doing our best to deal with 950 square feet of two bedrooms and one bath. Love each other as much as we do, but there is just so much space each individual needs.
With the help of my good friend Jeff (whose esteem was greatly raised even higher today), we managed to lift, dolly, struggle most of the behemoth pieces of furniture into a two story house. (someone please tell me who designed the laundry closet upstairs? Hauling a washer and dryer up two flights? But that is a story for another day, and frankly, if that is the worst problem we have in life........)

Rachel cooked her first dinner in our new place, and it was wonderful, even if we ate it with plastic cutlery as the silver has not yet been unpacked. She is fast asleep, as two of the cats who are getting used to their new surroundings. The little girl, Emily, is having great fun in her new place, loving the stairs to scamper about; I guess she is as wired as I am.
Sunday brings more work unpacking, and more cleanup of the old place. Maybe when I have a bit more in me I will write about the whole psychological set of gymnastics one goes through in a process like this. Meanwhile, here are some pictures taken as we moved in. Link to gallery